Enquiries / articles to gbc AT thecubmag.com - pics & files over 5MB to bigcubmag AT hotmail.co.uk but change the AT to @

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

A Mountain Cub Story.

Just finished typing up an article about Captain Bill's 1966 Mountain Cub. Six handwritten sides of A4 now converted to occupy some of the remaining blank pages in issue 1. Not much room left now but I could do with some words and pics about owners modifications; what have you done to make your Cub or Terrier more reliable, more usable, less leaky....

Send them to gbc AT thecubmag.com but hurry hurry hurry if you want to make it in time for issue 1!!!


  1. Things such as LED lights, electonic ignition that sort of thing would be good to know about, even for the BSA cousins such as the wee Starfire or Victor Special. Wot's good, good makes, vendors, etc.

  2. Tis true, as Bodger says the singles over on the BSA side are related. I'll be keeping a sharp eye out for Cubs and Terriors at the upcoming show/meet in San Jose for ya.

  3. LEDs on Cubbie, I can just imagine it! You'll be a Cub owner before you can stop yourself Larry!
