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Sunday, 23 December 2012

Festive Greetings from The Cub Mag.

From everyone at The Cub Mag we would like to thank all of our subscribers, advertisers and friends for supporting the mag in its first year.  Since April 2012, life in the publishing lane has been exciting and hectic, and jolly good fun.  So thank you one and all for making it worthwhile.  Don't worry, there really is no rest for the wicked; while you're all munching mince pies or taking your Cubs for a canter (don't forget the pictures please) the keyboard will be red hot and the printer will be a-whirring-away and we'll soon have the January issue landing on doorsteps across the world - USA, Belgium, Germany, France, Australia, Bermuda, Ireland, Malaysia and not forgetting every corner of the UK, from Shetland to Lewis to Dorset to Kent to Newcastle to Edinburgh.....

And to misquote a very famous seasonal poem.....

"Edward Bear exclaimed ere he rode out of sight (pop pop pop bang!), Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!"


  1. Very festive banner there...Happy Holidays to all the cubbers and would be cubbers out there. (I guess I'm a 'getting there' cubber myself...must find an engine...).

  2. No engine under the tree then Larry....??

    1. No engine yet, but will be checking out a lead soon...

  3. Festive Greetings?? Time to put the tinsel away and bring out the Creme Eggs!!
