I've spent many, many hours this last week slaving over the computer, editing, altering, moving things around, extending features - yes indeedy! Your first issue of The Cub Mag is now a massive 32 pages long and contains an amazing TWELVE full colour, full-on Cub filled features! I'm afraid you can't have any more pages, as then the postage would have to go up! Just to give you an idea of what's coming up, some of the features you can look forward to include....
Bantam Cub Vs Tiger Cub test
Captain Bill's "When I was in Oz..." feature
See No Evil - you'll have to guess what that one's about!
Mike Estall spills the beans on how the Cub Bible came into being
JINXED - one man's tale of a two and a half THOUSAND mile round trip to buy a Cub
Part 1 of the Gorgeous Biker Chick's Cubbie restoration saga
Makin' Tracks - our recommendations on where to ride your Cub
The story behind the brilliant Cub Forum www.cubsite.com/cubforum/index.php
Plus a page of details about suppliers offering very special deals and great service to Cub Mag subscribers
Oh! And much, much more!
If you haven't already subscribed, you can simply send an email to gbc AT thecubmag.com and request a subs form. Make sure you change the AT to @ and remove those spaces though...
Way cool, I should be seeing mine winging it's way this a way sometime in the future.....
ReplyDeleteBTW, I'm still trying to put together sommit on the Cub/Terrier cousins, plus do a reword on that bit I mentioned so as not to get done for plagarism or any other crime against humanity.
Should be ready sometime this decade, I mean, shortly!
Great stuff Bodger, next issue JULY, can I pencil you in for that one???