Enquiries / articles to gbc AT thecubmag.com - pics & files over 5MB to bigcubmag AT hotmail.co.uk but change the AT to @

Monday, 12 March 2012

Issue One / tee shirt update.

The prep for Issue One is coming along nicely. In between farming, working in the day job, running the bike club, trying to build a shed, trying to get just one of my many bikes / projects going, and organising and planning to attend Stafford, Lanark, Shetland and A N Other Big Show (details later), I've finally got subscription forms out to just about everyone who was on the list and a few who weren't - thanks for getting in touch to give me a reminder nudge!

I have also just got my head around how PayPal calculate 'cross border fees', so if you're in any country other than Aberdeenshire, and you want to pay your subs by PP then it's all systems go, but I will need to add anything between 1.4 - 3.4% plus a few cents or francs or whatever your local currency is onto the total amount. It doesn't add up to much but it keeps all the costs covered. As much as I'd like to be able to fund the whole Cub Mag out of my own pocket, it ain't gonna happen!

Doing well with the tees, thanks for all the orders. There are only 2 XXLARGE, 3 LARGE and 1 MEDIUM left!!! Please place your orders for any other sizes from SMALL to XXXLARGE and I can get these on order in the next few days. Kids sizes are also availabe.

Tees can be posted out at the same time as the first mag or sooner if you'd prefer. Let me know when you email gbc AT thecubmag.com


  1. I'd like an XL if they are non-shrink as described, or an XXL if need be. Is PayPal do-able for payment?

  2. Sorry Bodge, now that I don't have to moderate the comments, I didn't notice this one here! You certainly can have a tee, they're pre-shrunk so XL should be ok.

  3. Know it's not really the right spot for this but.....OK, I'll have a go at writing sommit about the Cub 2-stroke that was never made.

    I figger out a way to do it without plagerism rearing it's ugly head.

    Just think....Bodger then would be a contributer instead of just contributing.
