Enquiries / articles to gbc AT thecubmag.com - pics & files over 5MB to bigcubmag AT hotmail.co.uk but change the AT to @

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Getting ready for Stafford...

It's been all go here at The Cub Mag Towers, with paper supplies arriving and boxes of mugs and tee shirts being piled up in the 'spare' room.  I don't think it's spare any more!  Issue One is now full to bursting and once I've done my bit I'll post up a little sample of the contents for you.

So you know what that means.  I now need articles, stories, technical tips, photos and anything else Cub and Terrier related for Issue Two.  Please send them to me gbc AT thecubmag.com but before you send huge photo files just let me know first in case it bounces back.

If you'd like to pre-order a tee shirt or mug for collection at Stafford you can use the same email addy - make sure you state what size tee you require.  The mugs are £9, tees are £10 and you'll be saving on all that postage and packing....

1 comment:

  1. Iam looking forward to the show to pick up my tee and the wee lads tee as well

