Enquiries / articles to gbc AT thecubmag.com - pics & files over 5MB to bigcubmag AT hotmail.co.uk but change the AT to @

Friday, 24 August 2012

The Cub Mag on Facebook.

Once upon a time, the Editor of The Cub Mag, Gee-Bee Chick had a very lively and, even though she says it herself, quite a popular Facebook page.  On this, she used to promote her general motorcycling activities, plus any forthcoming Cub Mag news.  Well, something has happened to it, and although it seems you guys and girls can still access it, Gee-Bee Chick has been locked out.

So there is now a new page for you to 'follow' or 'like' - try this link Cub Mag Facebook.  It would be great to get this new page as active and full of pics as the old page was, so please click on the 'like' button and feel free to post your own Cub related pics and comments.

The more the merrier, so come on, join in, you know you want to....

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Future Cub Mag Issues...

...will contain articles featuring...

Building a budget trials Cub.

B&B Engineering; the inside story.

Didn't everyone learn to ride on a Tiger Cub?  Keith Brady did.

Banbury Report - Tiger Cub spotted!!!

Scottish Cub Fest - report from the first ever Lanark Bike Show.

Pilot Peter's restoration.

Trick trials Cubs - you want mods?  You want light weight?  You want a clutch you can operate using just your little finger?  You want an oil in frame Cub?  You need some trick mods in that case!

Supplier of Cub brake linings.

Hey, we're going to Bermuda!

Evo Cubs - taking the baby Triumph to new levels with options for 218cc right up to 270cc.  Oh yes!

...plus much much more.  If you want to get your hands on a copy of The Cub Mag just send an email to Gorgeous Biker Chick on gbc AT thecubmag.com but make sure you change the AT to @ and remove the spaces.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

B&B Engineering - new website

Just in case you're trying to find the website for B&B Engineering, here is the new address you need....
