Enquiries / articles to gbc AT thecubmag.com - pics & files over 5MB to bigcubmag AT hotmail.co.uk but change the AT to @

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

July Mags

Just to let all current UK subscribers know, that the July issue has been sent out and it should be arriving with you today or tomorrow - for overseas subscribers you should get yours by the end of the week at the very latest. It would be great to hear when you get yours and if you have any suggestions for the next issue then please get in touch = gbc AT thecubmag.com

Issue 3 - October
Issue 4 - Jan 2013
Issue 5 - April 2013

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Issue 2 July 2012

The production of Issue 2 was seriously halted last week, when, just as I was putting the finishing touches to the layout, adding a few more pics and juggling the text about to make it all fit, my computer threw a very big wobbly. It was a meltdown. It had run out of memory and refused to play. The biggest problem was that it wouldn't even let me continue to edit or alter the contents in any way. To cut a long story short, after managing to save a copy to a disc and then putting it in a friends laptop, which still didn't work, I ended up spending 4.5hrs at a friend's house in Aberdeen, which included a visit to her place of work, to try and come up with a solution. It was only as I was leaving at nearly 11pm that she had a brain wave - find a previous version of the file that had been auto-saved and work from there! Well, I got home at about half past midnight, after doing the weekly shop (24hr supermarkets, they'll never catch on) and set about hunting for the auto-save file location. Found it. Managed to open a version of Issue 2 that was about 24hrs before the finished version. The next morning, Thursday, I had to break the file into chunks that the computer could handle, and then finish editing and laying it out. Printing commenced way too late in the day, about 3pm I think (after I had helped Mrs BC catch and worm some lambs) and it was only at midnight that we had enough copies stapled, folded and ready for Mallory Park and our trip to the Festival of 1000 Bikes. And that's a whole other story....

So please give me a few days while I get some more printed and then Issue 2 of the Cub Mag will be posted out to all 116 subscribers.